What Is an Activated Carbon Filter?

What Is an Activated Carbon Filter? - Carbon Bulk Sales

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What is Activated CarbonNowadays, when it comes to growing marijuana indoors, one of the most important aspects to take into account is the smell that cannabis plants produce, even since they are growing. So when the flowering stage arrives, we better have installed a system to filter the smell, or we will probably have problems, first with the neighbours and second with the authorities.

To prevent this from happening, carbon filter pellets are the best option. But, first you need to understand what an activated carbon filter is? We are going to talk about one of the most used products for filtering the smell of marijuana that are carbon pellets and carbon filters. Although, you also have to take several things into account when working with one of them, so if you want to learn to work with one of these carbon filter pellets, continue reading.

What is an Activated Carbon Pellets Filter?

As a general rule, when we imagine of a filter, we know that it is the typical sponge or cloth placed in front of an air or water extraction system. In this sense, we are not poorly routed, since these are usually composed of cellulose, polyester fibres and sponges, among other types of porous materials, in addition to different types of activated carbon.

What has Activated Carbon Pellets?

Coal by nature is an excellent absorbent material thanks to a large number of pores contained in its structure, even without being activated. This feature is what has made it one of the most absorbent materials on earth and used for filtering, both air and water. It usually can absorb any component, although it is more effective with natural or organic compounds.

Activated carbon is made from different types of wood from trees and / or fruit peels, such as coconut. Activated carbon can be presented in several ways; in powder, in granules and the form of pellets. The carbon pellets are intended to filter the air, gas or water.

Uses of activated carbon:

  • Water purification (osmosis filters, fish tank filters, etc.)
  • Air purification (ventilation ducts, air conditioners, etc.)
  • Odor filtering (extractor hoods, cannabis odor filters, etc.)
  • Gas filtration (gas masks, contaminated spaces, etc.)
  • Cosmetics (cleanser, scrub, etc.)
  • Food supplement (although it has contraindications)

What is an Activated Carbon Filter?

Activated carbon filters can be presented in different ways, in the case of carbon filters used in the kitchen for the filtering of odors. They are usually plates of a certain thickness composed of porous fabric enriched with activated carbon. In the case of carbon filters for ventilation ducts, we would be talking about the boxes inside all those several separators enriched with carbon or microgranules.

Problems with Activated Carbon Filters

  • Carbon filters can cause us problems for several reasons, usually because of our fault. On the other hand, it can also be due to environmental conditions. When an odor filter gives problems, we can proximately notice the smell, since it not be filtered correctly. To prevent this from happening, it is best to be informed and comply with the following recommendations.
  • Coal tends to compact when the relative humidity of the environment is quite high, around 75-80% already begins to cause compaction problems. This effect prevents air.
  • When the coal is compacted, the flow rate of the air is reduced, so that the extractor tends to work more than the account and this can be damaged by overheating, jeopardizing the installation, if it has not been done correctly.
  • The compaction of carbon pellet can also be caused by ourselves. That is when spraying products while the extraction system is on. The suction effect of the extractor attracts the particles of water and moisture to the filter compacting the carbon coal inside.
  • It is necessary to note the duration of the filter marked by the manufacturer. Otherwise, it will no longer have absorbent properties, and the smell will go out into the street through the extraction system.
  • If we are not going to use the odor filter until a certain period, the best thing we can do is clean it beforehand. Wash the filter and put it back clean; wrapped with the plastic in its cardboard box. You can add a couple of silicon sachets for moisture and place it in a dry and dark area until the carbon-absorbing power runs out.

When you buy a filter, it must have ¼ more power than the extractor to ensure that the airflow is efficient and we do not have problems with flow retention. 

To buy carbon filter pellets, visit the Carbon Bulk Sales store online. 

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