Reducing Or Eliminating The Stench Of Cannabis

Reducing Or Eliminating The Stench Of Cannabis - Carbon Bulk Sales

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Stench Of CannabisPeople often object to the commercialized growth of marijuana next to their homes. Their primary objection is the plants’ odour. The smell that reminds them of the sewer or of skunks usually travels long distances.

To mitigate the odour, the air within the facility must be ventilated through high-efficiency particulate resistance (HEPA) filters. The cannabis processing and cultivation rooms comprise of many layers of carbon filtration (including activated carbon pellets) and fan systems. The carbon filter pellets are designed to control odours, VOCs (volatile organic compounds like hydrocarbons and paint fumes), and other gaseous contaminants.

Fruity aromas

Terpene, which is a fragrant essential-oil compound of carbon and hydrogen, accounts for the piney, citrusy, floral, and sweet scents in cannabis before they flower. Terpenes can have both beneficial and olfactory effects – antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic. Myrcene, noted for anti-inflammatory, analgesic (pain relief), and sedative effects, shows up in a variety of cannabis strains as well as in basil, lemongrass, thyme, mangoes. Linalool is a terpene found in lavender and cannabis and is prized for its stress-reducing effects.

The Science Behind The Skunk Odour

Some critics of cannabis describe its smell as skunky during and after flowering. Cannabis comprises of alpha-linolenic acid, which, under the influence of UV rays can break down into butyl and methyl thiols. Whether the smell is skunky or not, it is a serious business challenge for which the engineers have been trying to create solutions.

According to experts, the smell is even more prevalent in the trimming process. This is when many odours are emitted. However, the potency of the smell depends upon the plant’s size and strain.

Plume Discharge At 34mph

The management of cannabis reek isn’t just about filtration through carbon pellets; it’s how you get rid of it. Some industrialists take an industrial-ventilation approach by trying to get hold of a high plume coming off the exhaust fan. By discharging the air high into the atmosphere, we ensure that the wind current takes it away without anybody on the ground ever noticing.

While filtration takes out the majority of the smelly particles, a HEPA filter with activated carbon pellets is even more effective, taking out 99.6% of the smell. While the resulting air could still faintly smell of cannabis at the emission nozzle (at the roof), this isn’t true at ground level. To mitigate this, typical HVAC systems must be bolstered, and re-circulation systems must be employed. Beyond diffusers and terminals, oscillating fans ensure that the air mixes properly.

De-Humidifiers To Fight Mould

Mould is a huge deal and must be taken care of. Every plant transpires – drawing water from the roots and transporting it to its leaves in liquid form. The plant’s leaves have small pores which allow for more than 95% of the water to leave the plant in the form of water vapor.

Cannabis processors use ethanol for cannabinoid extraction. Since ethanol is heavier than air, cannabis processors use slotted hoods with low intakes to draw in and transport ethanol. Then they take out the cannabinoid, which gives off the odour. A filtration system takes care of the odor.

Adapting Existing Buildings

A few buildings planned for cannabis processing or cultivation don’t have roofs built to handle loads like bigger air-filtration units, thus requiring modifications. Currently, the roof structure for most buildings won’t allow for a 500-pound exhaust fan to go up. So, they can put the fan inside instead of mounting the unit up on the roof. Just run the duct up through the roof, and it’ll be good to go.


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